Welcome to FE Sussex

Bringing Sussex Colleges Together

Three young people playing with an interactive Olympic-themed game, projected onto a wall.

About us

FE Sussex is a membership organisation uniting all post-16 colleges across West Sussex, East Sussex, and Brighton & Hove.

Together, our seven member colleges serve approximately 50,000 learners and employ 8,000 staff across 15 sites, making us an innovative and influential voice in the region’s educational landscape.

Our purpose

We support our members in delivering high-quality further education to Sussex learners, share the stories of Sussex skills provision, and create a supportive workplace for staff in the Sussex FE sector. Led by our Board of college CEOs and Principals, we work together to benefit students, staff, and the wider Sussex community.

Connect with us on LinkedIn for the latest updates and success stories from across our college network.

What’s On

A cartoon illustrated poster reads "The utterly brilliant, wonderful and weird Festival of Careers. The first ever pan-Sussex college event powered by cutting-edge technology."

FE Sussex Digital Festival of Careers

Bringing hundreds of learners in all 15 FE Sussex college site campuses together using new cutting-edged technology in February and March 2025.

A man in white shirt stands in front of a projection of a shark, talking to a silhouetted audience.

Teaching and Learning with New Technologies

The first FE Sussex conference will take place on 1 July 2025 at the University of Sussex, bringing together educators and innovators from across the region.

For more information: info@fesussex.org.uk

Useful documents

Find out more about what we do in our annual report (PDF) and strategy (PDF).